Yearly Projects

Community and School support:
The Americanism Essay contest each spring. We read all submitted essays and pick winners. Winners are invited to our Legion meeting in April where they read their essays and receive their prizes. We also honor the teachers who support this event.
Spring Interview of teens to attend The American Legion Auxiliary’s Girls State during the summer. Come fall the girls report back on what they did during that week.
Celebration of American Education Week in November by giving all Goochland Schools a basket of goodies for the staff.
Our Support of Veterans & Active-Duty Military:
Poppy Weekend
Memorial Day Ceremony
Provisions for homeless veteran shelters located in Richmond.
Support for units and patients at the Veterans Administration McGuire Medical Center
Ft. Lee families including active duty and Gold Star families
National Guard stationed at Sandston
Operation Homefront activities which support military families
Participation in Quilts of Valor where we make the quilts and then present them to our Legion members
Veteran’s Day Ceremonies and supporting veterans in the classroom activities.
Fundraising so we can support our activities
Annual Spring Yard Sale which involves collecting, pricing and selling donated items. While the actual sale takes place on a Friday & Saturday there is a lot of behind the scene work leading up to it.
Spring Bazaar and our Christmas in September Holiday Market. These events require a lot of hands-on staffing and there are many ways to be involved!